joi, 22 noiembrie 2012


joi, 8 noiembrie 2012



25.5 The electroweak symmetry group

25.4 Charge conjugation, parity, and time reversal

The operation that replaces every particle by its antiparticle is referred to
as C (which stands for charge conjugation). A physical interaction that is
invariant under the replacement of particles by their antiparticles (and
vice-versa) is called C-invariant.
This operation of spatial reflection (reflec-
tion in a mirror
) is referred to as P (which stands for parity).
In accordance with the above discussion, in §25.3, ordinary weak interactions are not
invariant under either P or C separately
, but it turns out that they are
invariant under the combined operation CP
(= PC). We may regard CP as
the operation performed by an unusual mirror
, in which each particle is
reflected as its antiparticle. We see that CP sends a particle’s zig into its
antiparticle’s zag, and vice versa.

There is one further operation that is normally discussed in relation to these, which is that of time reversal, referred to as T. An interaction is invariant under T if it unaltered if we view it from the prespective of a time direction that is the reverse of
There is a famous theorem in quantum Weld theory, referred to
as the CPT theorem which asserts every physical interaction is invariant if
all three of the operations C, P, and T are applied to it at once.

25.3 Electroweak interactions; reflection asymmetry

25.2 The zigzag picture of the electron

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